Wallet Guard

Wallet guard is a browser extension that protects your cryptocurrency assets and other digital assets in the wold of web3. Here are some key details:

  • Defense Against Wallet Scammers
    • Avoid becoming the next victim of a scammer.
    • Wallet Guard provides multi-layered defense, including scam detection and human-readable transcription
  • Human-Readable transactions
    • Forget about illegible transcaction with confusing signatures
    • Wallet Guard  offers cleaner and more understandable transactions
  • Proactive scan detection
    • Proactively detects phishing attempts and fake websites
    • Recieve clear warnings and risk factors while conducting transactions
  • Security for you wallet assets
    • although Wallet  Guard is not a wallet itself, it protects your preferred wallet from the latest threats in web3
  • Coverange for different users
    • NFT Degens stay safe from minting to claims on the right websites and contracts
    • Defi Traders identify legitimate tokens and avoid risky transactions
    • Airdrop hunters confirm the authenticity of free airdrops
  • Expert opinions
    • Wallet Gurad gives you augmented reality glasses for your web3 transactions. It's simple but shows critical danger signs and key data as you explore this new digital frontier. Casey, solutions architect at chainalysis
  • Wallet Guard Academy
    • Stay updated with the latest alerts and tips to protect your cryptocurrencies
    • Explore topics like phishing prevention and common scams.   

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